Our Members

The Choral Society of the Palm Beaches is a dedicated ensemble of volunteer singers who are passionate about singing and the performing arts.  We come together from diverse backgrounds with the common ground of loving to sing.  If you are interested in joining the Choral Society, please visit our Sing with Us page.


Amy Clark
Amy Moody
Debbie Holland
Deborah Herring
Diana Coppola
Elizabeth Aquino
Gayla Wittenbrink
Ilze Kuechler
Judy Walk
Kimberly Skidmore *
Laura Forte
Linda Carle
Lisa Faria
Margot Todaro *
Maura Merkal
Morag Levin
Patricia Wecht
Ruth Padoro
Sherri Paradis
Valerie Baldocchi


Alison Osborne
Alison Stier
Andrea Hopkins *
Caissa Hadash
Christine Velasquez
Christy Hintz
Cookie Dearden
Eve Gossman *
Helen Trainor
Joana Bair
Khiara Pollock
Lara Antolik
Liba Pachacek
Linda Greenseid
Lisa Alfiero *
Lisa D’Ambra
Lynda Smith
Mary Martyny
Pat Hardie
Robin Campbell
Sandy Aiken


Ana Fisher *
Brian Efferding
David Brown *
Nick Nickerson
Patricia Wildner
Steve Princiotta
Wayne Nettnay


Bill Saltzgiver
Christian Aquino
David Hyman
Mike Harabin
Patrick Moody
Phil Thrasher *
Ralph Johnson
Rob Cohen
Yakov Hadash

*Denotes a Board Member

Updated 10/16/2024