Sing With Us

Image of Singers from 2022 Sopranos

Do you love to sing? Are you passionate about the energy and joy of live choral music? Have you ever imagined singing with the Choral Society of the Palm Beaches? If this is you, we invite you to come sing with us!

Image of Singers from 2022 men
Image of Singers from 2022 Altos

What do we look for?

The Choral Society looks for passionate and dedicated vocalists with a background in choral ensemble work, musical theatre or opera. There is no formal audition process. And while musical training is not essential, some level of musical skill is highly desirable. We work diligently and provide tools to also practice at home.

When and where do we rehearse?

We rehearse on Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm – 9:00pm. Sometimes we gather earlier for sectional practices. Rehearsals are currently at Gardens Presbyterian Church, 4677 Hood Road, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418. (Please note our performance venue is Lakeside Presbyterian Church, 4601 S Flagler Dr, West Palm Beach, FL 33405.)

What does a season look like?

We perform two major concerts each year for the Holiday season and the Spring season. The Holiday concert is in December and the Spring concert is in March. Summer Sing depends upon participation. New singers are welcome during the first three weeks of each new season.

Do Members pay dues?

Our members pay a $100 cycle fee each season to help cover the cost of music and costumes/accessories.  This fee also includes two tickets for the performance day of your choice.  Please don't let finances keep you from the love of singing.  We have a $30 under 30 program as well as scholarships available.  Please contact us at for more information.

Do Members buy tickets?

Our members receive two tickets with their $100 cycle fee, but our singers are our biggest source of networking and advertising. If each member could commit to buying or selling four tickets for each performance, we would have a full house!

Image of Singers from 2022 Altos 2
Spring Cycle
One time

✓ Music PDF's
✓ Rehearsal Help Materials
✓ 2 Tickets to the Spring Concert

The Choral Society of the Palm Beaches is committed to providing a diverse, inclusive, enriching and uplifting culture, and we encourage every interested singer to join us.

For more information, please send your name, contact information, and vocal part to:

Visit our YouTube page for a glimpse into the Choir’s rehearsals and performances!